Solar cells stand over plant beds (Turkey)

Turkey Triple win in Turkish solar park: clean energy, vocational training and food production

DEG / DEG Impulse
Environment & Climate Food security Education & Training

In Osmaniye, Turkey, close to the Syrian border, and directly adjacent to the large refugee camp Cevdetiye, the German firm SUNfarming is generating green electricity on a 16,000 square metre solar park. In collaboration with DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, SUNfarming is also providing training to Syrian refugees and locals not only in solar technology, but in agricultural practices. These skills are also in demand because vegetables and chickens are being farmed between and under the solar panels to secure the population’s food supply.

In doing so, the company is using the site more efficiently while creating urgently needed jobs and securing access to the skilled personnel it needs. Aiming to extend this innovative concept to other solar park projects in the region and on the African continent, SUNfarming has gained valuable experience from this pilot measure. Project funding is provided through the develoPPP programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

This region in Turkey is under significant pressure owing to the war in Syria that has been ongoing for years. Osmaniye hosts a large number of Syrian refugees whose living conditions – akin to those of the local Turkish population – are difficult. Creating opportunities to train, work and produce food is intended to sustainably improve the situation in the long term.

For SUNfarming, the main source of income from this food and energy plant comes from the sale of electricity. While the project’s power-generation component is financially viable for the company, the training and agricultural activities do not form part of its core business and so only benefit the company indirectly at most.

With its attractive combination of clean energy, training and working opportunities, and affordable food, SUNfarming is building its reputation while gaining important insights that will help upscale this innovative approach. Furthermore, training and employment provide a financial boost to the people in the region, which ultimately also benefit SUNfarming as an electricity supplier.  

From 2019 to 2021, the following measures with a total volume of around four million euros were implemented under the develoPPP programme:

  • Planning and installation of a solar plant for training, and creation of training facilities
  • Construction of chicken coups and vegetable plots, including installation of a sustainable and water-saving drip irrigation system
  • Training refugees and locals in agrisolar production or as photovoltaic professionals
  • Organising one-week basic courses with 50 to 60 participants a week
  • Training technical staff to take over training and management measures after the project ends
  • Drawing up a concept for marketing food grown in the refugee camp and surrounding communities

The project has collaborated with the immigration authorities responsible for refugee care and with the director of the refugee camp on site in order to align its activities as close as possible with local conditions and needs.

With the SUNfarming Food and Energy Project, we aim to show that solar parks can do more than just produce electricity. Using the land for agriculture and protecting the soil against erosion and from drying out, while providing training opportunities and creating jobs makes for a holistic concept which we intend to multiply in the region and also in Syria moving forward. Furthermore, we believe it offers interesting solutions for many different challenges on the African continent especially.
Peter Schrum, company founder and principal shareholder, SUNfarming
People in a field sorting vegetables into boxes (Turkey)
The vegetables are sorted and prepared after harvesting to take them to the markets. Photo: © SUNfarming Group
Men stand in front of solar cells and hold certificates (Turkey)
Upon completion of the course, participants receive certificates. Photo: © SUNfarming Group
Trainee harvests in a field (Turkey)
Trainees harvesting at the R&D training centre in Osmaniye. Photo: © SUNfarming Group
Project manager Malek Al-Hilal stands in front of solar cells (Turkey)
Project manager Malek Al-Hilal. Photo: © SUNfarming Group

This project has afforded SUNfarming key insights for scaling up its food-and-energy approach as profitably as possible and for combining other planned energy projects in Turkey and Africa with similar training and food production components.

The local population and Syrian refugees benefit from the project because they 

  • are able to acquire technical skills and find employment.
  • produce food on otherwise non-agriculturally used sites, enabling them to improve their nutritional status.

Moreover, Syrian refugees will be able to apply the know-how they acquire following a possible return home.

Development successes

Graduation hat

60 people completed installation training and 27 trainers were trained

Lightning and water droplet

Production of vegetables, herbs and eggs

Three hands

Scaling back reservations against Syrian refugees amongst the Turkish population

Business successes

Circles connected by lines

Agriculture and training as additional solar park components

Arrow pointing up

Use of project experience for other solar energy projects

Woman working at a loom

develoPPP Classic

develoPPP Classic is aimed at medium-sized and large companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their operational activities locally. Suitable projects receive technical and financial support of up to two million euros in public funding.

SUNfarming logo

SUNfarming GmbH

SUNfarming belongs to the SUNfarming Group AG (formerly ALENSYS Alternative Energiesystem AG). It plans, develops, finances, builds and operates solar parks and focuses on related concepts such as agriphotovoltaics (food and energy) and e-mobility. To date, the international SUNfarming team has installed more than 650 MWp in plant capacity. More than 350 megawatts peak at home and abroad (+ technical management) are investments of the SUNfarming group.

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DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

As subsidiary of KfW, DEG promotes the social and ecological transition of the private sector in developing and emerging-market countries. It supports partner companies with financing expertise and entrepreneurial know-how to implement impactful develoPPP projects under their own management.

SUNfarming logo
David Morr Head of Food & Energy Projects SUNfarming GmbH
SUNfarming Logo
Winfried Nau Head of Financing Emerging Markets SUNfarming GmbH
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Megan Moss Project manager develoPPP DEG Impulse gGmbH