Five men gather around a Laptop (Ghana)

Ghana Software manufacturer meets demand for IT specialists through dedicated training programme

Sub-Saharan Africa
DEG / DEG Impulse
Education & Training Digitalisation

One of the challenges facing businesses in Ghana is finding qualified workers with specialist IT skills. The skills shortage is particularly acute in the areas of cloud technology, business intelligence and data science. To meet its own requirements and strengthen the local IT sector as a whole, Munich-based software manufacturer getINNOtized has partnered with DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH to set up and deliver a programme that allows university graduates in Ghana to gain specialist IT qualifications. The project is part of the develoPPP programme established by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Ghana’s digital technology sector has tremendous potential for growth. According to the World Bank, the national market for IT services is among the ten biggest in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the worldwide shortage of skilled workers, there are opportunities for home-grown IT specialists to fill this gap. Unfortunately, many employers lack confidence in the IT skills of potential Ghanaian workers. This is exacerbated by the education system’s emphasis on theoretical rather than practical learning and the fact that a large proportion of skilled workers migrate to other countries. Consequently, growth in the country’s digital economy remains slow. For getINNOtized GmbH, which has a specific policy of recruiting locally and increasingly wants to show its customers the opportunities available in Africa, the current situation makes it difficult to recruit enough skilled and qualified workers on Africa’s expanding digital market. To overcome this obstacle, it offers Ghanaian IT graduates additional hands-on training with the prospect of a permanent contract – either with getINNOtized itself or another company.

The project team has developed a sustainable, long-term training strategy that focuses on building the practical skills needed in the IT sector. The courses are industry-led and open to Ghanaian university graduates. With the help of total project funding in the region of EUR 400,000, the partners implemented a series of measures between 2019 and 2021.

  • Practical training was offered to around 100 IT graduates.
  • At least 80 of the 100 graduate trainees were subsequently offered a permanent contract with an international or national company.
  • Training for experienced staff allowed them to gain the qualifications needed to teach future trainee cohorts.
  • Partnerships were established with industry associations and local education providers.
  • The training programme was advertised at trade fairs, hackathons and other local, regional and international events and in social media.


The course was put together and taught by getINNOtized, which also took responsibility for training future programme instructors. Funding was provided by DEG.

The project allowed us to respond systematically to market demand for urgently needed IT specialists in Ghana and other countries. At the same time, course participants benefited from the focus on practical skills, helping them transition smoothly from training into employment.
Ulrich Busch, Managing Director, getINNOtized GmbH
Young men gather around a laptop (Ghana)
The ghanaian graduates find it easier to gain a foothold in the market for IT services thanks to their additional training at getINNOtized. Photo: © getINNOtized GmbH
Four men gather around a laptop
The participants benefit from the practice-oriented training at getINNOtized. Photo: © getINNOtized GmbH

Thanks to the practical skills they acquired, those who completed the apprenticeship and entered the labour market were more attractive to potential employers. This was confirmed by participants and companies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, getINNOtized GmbH established a new business segment that involved training up Ghanaian IT specialists and finding employment for them with other companies.

  • Through the project, over 140 IT graduates were given the training needed to qualify as software developers or as cloud, data or business intelligence experts.
  • 73 IT specialists were subsequently appointed on permanent contracts in Ghana.
  • 40 Ghanaian companies were able to expand their pool of skilled IT workers.
  • The project was also involved in updating the hands-on training programme ↗ Azubi Africa, which will continue its work beyond the project end-date. Together with a dedicated new Career School, Azubi Africa has already trained over 2,000 graduates.



Initial training and in-work skills development in the IT sector


Improvement of participants' employability and possibility of receiving specialist qualifications 

Stacked coins

Access to well-paid jobs for skilled IT workers


Two people

Established training infrastructure ensuring a continuous flow of skilled new employees

Globe with pin

A secure long-term future for the company’s base in Ghana


Higher-quality products and services

Woman working at a loom

develoPPP Classic

develoPPP Classic is aimed at medium-sized and large companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their operational activities locally. Suitable projects receive technical and financial support of up to two million euros in public funding.

getINNOtized GmbH Logo

getINNOtized GmbH

At its operation in Ghana, getINNOtized develops software solutions in line with German standards and recruits IT specialists for other companies located in and outside the country. getINNOtized was set up in 2016 and is based in Munich. Together with its Ghanaian sister company, it has around 100 employees and a pool of almost 200 freelance workers in Ghana.

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DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

As subsidiary of KfW, DEG promotes the social and ecological transition of the private sector in developing and emerging-market countries. It supports partner companies with financing expertise and entrepreneurial know-how to implement impactful develoPPP projects under their own management.

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Alexandra Neuwirth Project Manager develoPPP DEG Impulse gGmbH