Yellow construction crane

SPECIAL COMPETITION UKRAINEProjects that contribute to rebuilding Ukraine

Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues to have profound consequences for people and the economy – both in the country itself and globally. In addition to supporting develoPPP Classic and develoPPP Ventures projects, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is therefore providing targeted support for entrepreneurial projects that contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine. The focus is on relevant measures in the agriculture, health, construction and renewable energy sectors. The projects were selected as part of a special competition that took place between October and December 2023.

Solar power station

Solar power supply for Ukrainian agriculture and critical infrastructure

Due to the war, most Ukrainian businesses face challenges, including staff shortages and power outages. Fruit and vegetable businesses struggle to timely irrigate fields and process harvests. Supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the German company Organic Life GmbH and the Ukrainian company RSN Trade LLC aim to reduce the dependency on the Ukrainian central power grid by installing a grid-connected solar power station. The station will benefit local farmers and the community in the Rivne region, with the surplus in energy being fed into the Ukrainian power grid. In emergencies, panels of the solar station can be mobilized to power critical infrastructure facilities such as hospitals. The companies will also conduct trainings on energy efficiency with community members.

Man at water treatment plant (Ukraine)

Clean drinking water using solar-powered systems

Russia’s war of aggression has led to the destruction of large parts of Ukraine’s infrastructure. The central water supply network and electricity grid, for example, have been severely damaged – with serious consequences for the population. With support from DEG Impulse gGmbH, the Berlin-based company Boreal Light is supplying five decentralised, off-grid water desalination systems and 10 UV disinfection systems and is providing system operation and maintenance training for 25 local employees. This will give around 200,000 people access to an environmentally friendly and cost-effective supply of clean drinking water.

Biomass plant by Bio-H2 Umwelt (Ukraine)

Bioenergy from organic waste

The Russian invasion has damaged Ukraine's energy infrastructure, which has triggered a great need for stable, decentralised and sustainable energy sources. However, there is a lack of both access to sustainable solutions and technological expertise. Together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bio-H2 Umwelt GmbH will provide a technical university in Ukraine with a demonstration module for the production of bioenergy from organic waste, which can be used for teaching purposes. The self-sufficient, decentralized modules are intended to be used in the long term to generate bioenergy and are to be produced, operated and maintained locally and independently.

Mine clearance (Ukraine)

Mine clearance to improve food security

In Ukraine, many areas of land that could be used for agriculture have been mined during Russia’s ongoing war of aggression and therefore cannot be farmed, or only at great risk to life and limb. Limited agricultural production also has a negative impact on food security – both locally and globally. As part of a project implemented by Ukrainian agricultural enterprise NIBULON Ltd., with support from DEG Impulse gGmbH, affected areas are being cleared of mines, thus improving the safety of the local population, reviving the economy in rural communities and increasing annual grain harvests and exports, for example to African countries.

After the special competition has been concluded, you can still submit ideas for projects that alleviate the effects of the war and contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine via develoPPP Classic. Find out more about funding opportunities!

Woman working at a loom

develoPPP Classic

develoPPP Classic is aimed at medium-sized and large companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their operational activities locally. Suitable projects receive technical and financial support of up to two million euros in public funding.

Ulrich Boysen
Ulrich Boysen Senior Consultant Agency for Business & Economic Development
Hans-Joachim Hebgen
Hans-Joachim Hebgen Senior Consultant Agency for Business & Economic Development
Daniel Thomann
Daniel Thomann Head of Programme DEG Impulse gGmbH
Anja Meinecke
Anja Meinecke Head of Programme Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Jonas Naguib
Jonas Naguib Head of Programme Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH