Two people on a field back view

develoPPP IN FIGURESAchieving more together

For more than twenty years, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has used the develoPPP programme to successfully foster partnerships with the private sector. That is, because the urgent problems of our time can be better resolved and success more sustainably mainstreamed by pooling resources, sharing know-how and forging joint networks. This page contains selected facts about the programme and examples of what has been achieved so far.

Global support for sustainable development

Development Partnerships

Million Euros Project Volume

111 734 181 51 149 662 293 353 251

Base: Completed and ongoing develoPPP projects since 1999, as at: December 2024
The data also comprises activities in countries in which develoPPP is currently not available.

Project status


Project status



successful develoPPP projects
million euros
project volume
public contribution
Base: The figures refer to the entire duration of the develoPPP projects that were completed between 01/2023 and 12/2023, as at: March 2024

locally created jobs

tree tree

Around 7,500 local jobs were created, e.g. at local production companies or suppliers.


people with improved access


More than 20 million people have better access to drinking water, food and basic services such as medical care, energy and waste disposal.


more sustainable companies

tree tree

Around 1,150 companies demonstrably engage in more sustainable production practices since introducing or expanding relevant environmental and social standards.

Women working at a loom

develoPPP Classic

develoPPP Classic is aimed at medium-sized and large companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their operational activities locally. Suitable projects receive technical and financial support of up to two million euros in public funding.

Young empoyees in a discussion during a business meeting

develoPPP Ventures

develoPPP Ventures is aimed at young companies with an innovative business model that are active in a developing or emerging country and are ready to take the next step. Within the framework of a matching funds model, a public early-stage investment of 100,000 euros is possible.

Ulrich Boysen
Ulrich Boysen Senior Consultant Agency for Business & Economic Development
Hans-Joachim Hebgen
Hans-Joachim Hebgen Senior Consultant Agency for Business & Economic Development
Daniel Thomann
Daniel Thomann Head of Programme DEG Impulse gGmbH
Anja Meinecke
Anja Meinecke Head of Programme Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Jonas Naguib
Jonas Naguib Head of Programme Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH