Female worker stands in front of a turbine in a production hall

The funding programme develoPPPInvesting responsibly. Promoting development. For more than 25 years.

develoPPP is a funding programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It is aimed at companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their local operations. The programme provides technical and financial support of up to 2 million euros for suitable projects. Prerequisites for funding are a long-term business interest in the country and a sustainable developmental benefit for the local people.

Are you planning to train local professionals or improve environmental and social standards in your supply chain? Do you have an innovative business idea that can be expected to have a positive development effect in the sense of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals? Then find out more and become part of the develoPPP success story!

Euro sign

Up to 2 million euros in funding with a maximum public contribution of 50%

People at a tabe with a light bulb

Competent advice and on-site support


Available worldwide in many countries

Developing and emerging countries around the world are facing major challenges, for example in the health sector, in energy supply, in the sustainable use of natural resources or in coping with climate change. Often there is not only a lack of capital, but also little technical and operational know-how. Skilled workers are scarce and environmental and social standards often need improvement.

At the same time, many countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America or Southeast Europe offer growing potential for local and international companies: For example, in the production of raw materials and intermediate products for global value chains, but increasingly also as production locations for the local market. Private investments and local entrepreneurial activity create skilled jobs, local added value and innovations. This also creates prospects for the future.

The approach of develoPPP is to support precisely these processes and make them sustainable.

Companies headquartered in the EU, a member country of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) or a country on the OECD DAC list

Cooperation between private and public partners

A long-term business interest as well as a sustainable local developmental benefit

As a global funding programme, develoPPP is available worldwide in many developing and emerging countries and is deliberately open to various sectors, topics and approaches. Decisions on the funding of concrete measures are made within the framework of regular idea competitions, to which interested companies can submit their ideas.

The financing and implementation of a develoPPP project is carried out jointly with one of the two experienced public implementing partners: DEG Impulse gGmbH or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The share of public funding in the total expenditure is up to 50 percent.

Funding through develoPPP requires that long-term business objectives meet sustainable developmental benefits. Exclusively commercial funding is not possible, nor is funding for purely charitable projects. Measures to fulfill legal requirements, such as the Supply Chain Act (LkSG), are also excluded from funding. develoPPP can provide targeted funding for projects aimed at establishing and shaping sustainable supply chains. The prerequisite is that these go beyond the fulfillment of legal requirements. Do you have questions about the LkSG and human rights due diligence processes in the core business? The Business and Human Rights Helpdesk is a free and confidential support service provided by the German government.

Woman working at a loom

develoPPP Classic

develoPPP Classic is aimed at medium-sized and large companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their operational activities locally. Suitable projects receive technical and financial support of up to two million euros in public funding.

Young empoyees in a discussion during a business meeting

develoPPP Ventures

develoPPP Ventures is aimed at young companies with an innovative business model that are active in a developing or emerging country and are ready to take the next step. Within the framework of a matching funds model, a public early-stage investment of 100,000 euros is possible.

World map blue

develoPPP in figures

With develoPPP, the BMZ has been successfully promoting partnerships with the private sector for more than twenty years. Find out more about the different project regions and gain interesting insights into the programme's current funding successes.


Ulrich Boysen
Ulrich Boysen Senior Consultant Agency for Business & Economic Development
Hans-Joachim Hebgen
Hans-Joachim Hebgen Senior Consultant Agency for Business & Economic Development
Daniel Thomann
Daniel Thomann Head of Programme DEG Impulse gGmbH
Anja Meinecke
Anja Meinecke Head of Programme Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Jonas Naguib
Jonas Naguib Head of Programme Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH